A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

A daf yomi blog for discussion, questions and comments on the daily daf.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

3.14159265 or just 3? (Eruvin 14a)

Someone pointed me to the Tosafos Harosh who asks the obvious question on today's daf. Why does the gemara need a pasuk to prove how to measure the circumference of a circle? Can't we just measure it? He answers that the pasuk tells us that we are allowed to estimate it. The gemara is questioning how does a circumference of 3 mean that the diameter is 1? We know that the circumference would have to be more than 3 to have a diameter of 1!?! The gemara answers that we see from Shlomo that for halachic purposes we can estimate pi to be 3 even though we all know that in reality it's more than 3.


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