A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Simcha shel mitzvah (30b)

Simcha shel Mitzvah is defined by Rashi as Hachnosos Kallah (D"H Simcha Shel Mitzvah), but by Elisha it seems Rashi (D"H Kchu Li Menagen) explains it as a general state of Simcha. Also, what is the "lelamedcha sheain Shechina shoreh lo mitoch atzvus velo atzlus velo mitoch tzchok...", how does the pasuk in Koheles (that teaches us Simcha shel Mitzvah is good and Simcha sheaino shel Mitvah is bad) teach us this?
R' Moshe in the Dibros Moshe explains that there are three types of Simcha, One is Beetzem simcha shel mitvah such as Oneg Shabbos and Hachnosos Kallah, a second is Simcha of Rshus such as Schok (besides simcha of aveira such as kalus rosh), and a third is simcha of rshus that is intended to create simcha of Mitvah such as the nagen hamenagen for nevius (or the joking before learning to be able to be at ease while learning).

The flow of the Gem' is as follows. Simcha sheaino shel mitvah is "Mah Ze Oseh", there is no toeles from Simcha that isn't shel Mitvah, only from Simcha shel Mitzvah. "Lelamadcha" that only Simcha of Mitvah can create Shrios Shechinah, not "mitoch atzvus velo atzlus velo mitoch TZCHOK..". But from Koheles you would think that this only applies to Simcha shel Mitzvah that is Beetzem shel Mitvah, like Hachnosos Kallah, so the Gem' brings the Pasuk by Elisha that even Simcha of Rshus that is done with the intention of bringing on the Shechina is called Simcha shel Mitzvah, like Rashi explains by the Menagen.


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