A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Laafukei Raychuni

The Gemorah on 44b brings a Mishnah that says that " Anything that requires a bracha before requires one afterward and some require before and not after The Gemorah then says that according to Rav Papa that excludes Mitzvos ( that you dont have to make a Bracha after a Mitzvah) The Gemorah then asks " What about those that make a Bracha after Tefilin?" Answer: it comes to exclude for smelling ( that you dont make a bracha achrona) The question is what was the Hava Amina? Why couldnt the Gemorah just answer orginally that it excludes Raychani and that should follow all opinions?
I have looked for an answer. Any thoughts?


At 2:42 PM, Blogger David said...

I don't have anything to add to the original question but I figured I'd share some other things on this topic.

The Ritva asks a similar question why couldn't we just answer that we're talking about when you eat less than a kezayis of food. He says that we wanted something where the entire min has no bracha acharona and not just when there are circumstances that there will be no bracha.

The gemara says that the bnei maarava made a bracha when they took off the tefilin. Tosafos says that they only made the bracha on Tefilin but not on other mitzvos (other Rishonim argue) so Tosafos asks the obvious question - why couldn't the gemara just give the example of another mitzva instead of switching to reiach. Tosafos in nida answers that we want something that the entire thing has no bracha acharona.

Someone asked me last night that the bnei maarava really didn't make a bracha acharona on the tefillin. It sounds like they were just making a new bracha rishona on taking off the tefillin which is a mitzva on its own to keep a guf naki. So in reality (at least according to Tosafos) there is no bracha acharona on tefillin. I thought this was a good question but didn't know the answer. I was happy to see that the footnote to the Ritva in mosad harav kook asks the question. He suggests that even though it is a mitzva to take off the tefillin there still wouldn't have been a takana to make a bracha if it weren't really a birchas hashevach also for the mitzva of tefillin that you just completed.


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