Fruit Juice and Vegetable Soup
The gemara in Brachos on daf 39a says that you make ha'adama on the water in which vegetables were cooked. Tosafos asks that we just said on 38a that you make shehakol on all fruit juices. What's the difference between a fruit juice which could be pure fruit with nothing else mixed in that you make shehakol and vegetable soup which is really just water with the taste of the vegetables? He doesn't really answer - just says "yeish lechalek." So what is the difference?
1. The Rosh says that the difference is in the taste. Orange juice doesn't taste exactly like an orange whereas pea soup (even without the peas in there) still tastes exactly like peas. Therefore, if you'd cook oranges and not just squeeze them then it could be the bracha on orange soup would be haeitz.
2. The Divrei Chamudos (under the Rosh) quotes the Rashba who answers that it's not similar because the vegetables are normally eaten in this form. As we said on the last daf, many vegetables aren't eaten raw but only cooked. Therefore, if you cook them you make ha'adama even on the water. However, fruit is normally eaten and not squeezed so if you drink it it's a shehakol.
3. Rabeinu Yonah answers along the same lines that for vegetables it makes it better to cook them. Whereas, for fruit you're actually making it worse by squeezing it. He then asks what about beer? You are clearly making barley better by making it into beer so why does the bracha go down from ha'adama to shehakol? He suggests two answers - A. it's true that it's better but barley has an even better form if you make it into bread therefore it goes down to shehakol or because B. there's a difference between drinks and food. Even if it's better in the liquid form, if you drink it then you will always make shehakol (like Tosafos said on daf 38). When I first read the Tosafos on 39a that "yeish lechalek", I though that's what he meant as the chiluk between vegetable soup which is normally eaten and fruit juices which you normally drink. Tosafos holds that you always make a shehakol on drinks no matter what.
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