A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

simanim - antennae to the Ribono shel Olam

On daf gimmel amud alef, Rabbi Eliezar taught in a braiso that Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu, ki vi yachol, cries out from His holy abode like a lion during each of the 3 'mishmeros'.
(Later we learn that HaShem is crying over the churban, the burning of the sanctuary, and the galus of his children).
The gemora then brings the earthly simanim for these heavenly periods (1) a donkey braying (2) dog yelping (3) a baby crying and a wife talking with her husband.
I can understand the first two simanim - in that they are animals and perhaps are endowed with a special 'un-earthly' sensitivity to heavenly occurrences such as the 'lion cries' of the Ribono Shel Olam. But do we say that this same un-earthly sensitivity exists with an infant or spouse? In other words, is a baby's hunger (which is the presumed cause for the baby's crying), in itself, caused by what is happening in shemayim? Likewise, is a wife's longing to talk with her husband, in itself, actually caused by what is happening in shemayim?
Perhaps that answer is 'yes'! And the lesson is: that we should not take for granted the seemingly mundane task of answering to our baby's cries or paying attention to our spouse when they want to converse.


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