A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Do you have to face Yerushalayim?

The gemara in Brachos on daf 30a says that if you are in chutz laaretz then you should face Eretz Yisrael when davening Shmone esrei and if you're in Eretz Yisrael then you should face Yerushalayim and if you're in Yerushalayim then you should face the bais hamikdash and if you're in the bais hamikdash then you should face the Kodshei Kodshim and if you're in there then you should face the bais hakapores. What happens if you're in Irbid, Jordan (see this map) which is east of Israel but is actually northeast of Yerushalayim. From this gemara it sounds like you only have to face west so you're facing Eretz Yisrael. From the conclusion of the gemara it sounds like you should face Yerushalayim anyway because it concludes that everyone faces the same place. Rabeinu Yonah says this explicitly that everyone should really face the bais hakapores. My question then is why doesn't the gemara just say that? Why does the gemara give different things depending where you are? Just say that everyone should face the bais hakapores in the Beis Hamikdash!


At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assumed that the goal is always the same - to face the bais hakapores; it's just that when you're far away it's hard to be mchavayn precisely, even to the makom hamikdash, and perhaps even to Yerushalayim (this is still true today; imagine the days pre-compass and with rudimentary maps). Chazal therefore gave you the allowance, if needed, of davening in the direction of Eretz Yisrael. Thus, if you're in Irbid and know the precise direction to Yerushalayim - kol hakavod, face precisely.

At 8:20 AM, Blogger David said...

I just got in the email a week's worth of hearos from my cousin Uriel in Israel. He addressed this question also and answered it. I am including his answer below in Hebrew.

והשיב [ר' יעקב קמנצקי?] שלימדונו שתמיד יש לעלות מעלה לא בקפיצות ודילוגים, אלא רק מעלה אחת מעבר להיכן שאתה עומד, ולכן הנמצא בחו"ל יכוון רק לא"י ולא לי-ם.
אך א"כ, צ"ע, הרי עשר קדושות יש בא"י (ראה משנה סו"פ א' דכלים), ואם מפרטים, מדוע לא מזכירים כל הדרגות? מדוע לא הוסיפו: "היה עומד בי-ם יכוין את ליבו כנגד הר הבית, היה עומד בהר הבית יכוין את ליבו כנגד העזרה" וכו'?
אלא ברור, שפשט הדבר הוא שחז"ל אמרו כן כי כן מצאו כתובים בתפלת שלמה: "אל הבית, דרך העיר ודרך ארצך" (מ"א ח'), כדאיתא בברכות (ל.).
אולי יש מקום לחקור מה הרעיון השונה שיש בעשר קדושות בא"י (שקשורות לקדושת המקדש) לבין דרגות התפלה (עבודה שבלב, כנגד קרבנות) שבסימן צ"ד.


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