A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Simanei Naara or Bogeres?

The Mishna on 47a lists a bunch of simanim and then the gemara (continuing onto 47b) quotes a beraisa which lists a bunch more. Are they simanei naara or bogeres?
Rashi says that both the Mishna and the beraisa are talking about simanei naara.
Tosafos argues and says that the Mishna is simanei naara and the beraisa is simanei bagrus.
The Rambam holds (I didn't see it inside but saw the Aruch L'ner quote it) that both are simanei naara.

Tosafos doesn't understand Rashi because the lists are completely different and R' Yosi gives a different siman in each list. Rashi says that the two different R' Yosi simanim are really the same and isn't bothered that the lists are different. The Lechem Mishna doesn't understand why the Rambam feels compelled to say that they are both simanei naara since that clearly isn't pashut pshat. The Aruch Lener explains that there is another gemara that says that "ein bein naara v'bogeres ela shisha chodoshim." So obviously we don't depend on simanei bogeres but just count six months from the time she became a naara. That's why the Rambam doesn't believe that there are any simanim for a bogeres. The other Rishonim must learn that the shisha chadahim is just the normal but not an absolute.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger David said...

It also could be that the other Rishonim understand that the 6 months is a minimum like 12 is for a naara. She needs six months+simanei bagrus.


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