A Daf A Day (daf yomi)

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Sunday, February 27, 2005

No tevila needed at the end

The mishna in Nidda on 71b quotes a machlokes between Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai if a yoledes has to go to the mikva again after her yemei tahara. She definitely goes to the mikva after her yemei tuma and the gemara explains that she then has the din of a "tevul yom aruch" since she needs to wait for "heerev shemes" (of a few weeks later) before she can eat kodshim. Rashi explains what their machlokes is about. She's definitely not tamei with regard to chullin so for that there is no purpose in going to the mikva. Rashi says that the chiluk is for a kohen to eat truma (The Aruch Laner points out that it would be the same chiluk for a Yisrael to touch the teruma). Rashi says that the for the nafka mina for a yisrael would be going into the beis hamikdash - Beis Hillel would say that no tevila is necessary. However, Rashi points out that they both agreed to eat kodshim the woman would definitely need to go to the mikva.

The Aruch Laner quotes Rishonim who ask on Rashi why should there be a chiluk between eating kodshim and bias hamikdash. We never see such a chiluk. If she needs tevila to eat kodshim the she should need to go into the mikdash. He explains that when Rashi says that the machlokes is about going into the mikdash he only means with regard to going into the ezras nashim. The Ezras Nashim does have some kedusha so Rashi is explaining that this is the machlokes Rishonim. The Aruch Laner points out that this must be what Rashi meant since a woman can't go into the Ezras Yisrael. It's just not what is normally meant when it says "bias mikdash," but it does make sense so that must be pshat in Rashi.


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