Nida Daf 53
Wow, that was a hard daf. That's the good/bad thing about daf yomi - no matter how hard the daf is you can never spend more than a day on it otherwise you fall behind. I don't really have much to add on this daf as it took me a long time to even try to understand the pashut pshat and I'm still not sure that I understand the entire daf (particularly amud alef) very well. Artscroll (as usual) did a wonderful job explaining the gemara with Rashi's pshat including pointing out the major problems that the other Rishonim had with Rashi.
Just one quick point which Rashi didn't make but is clear from the rest of the gemara and many of the Rishonim point it out. When R' Shimon Ben Elazar argues with the Tana Kama and says "atzma aina metama," he is not saying that she's not temeia l'maphreia at all (which is how I read the braisa at first) but he is just saying that you don't go all the way back to the last time that she washed the garment. She's only temeia for 24 hours just like she would have been had it been a reiya.
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